Towards grabbing and throwing sounds away
Over the last year, I’ve been working on the development of an interactive audio spatialiser designed to move a vocal sound during musical performance. I tried to solve this problem by empowering the user to position the sound within an acoustic space through orienting the arm in that position (read more about it). It was [...]
Music Gesture Beatbox
Music Gesture Beatbox is a project born from a collaboration between Balandino and Grace Savage, who will be performing at MTFBerlin existing and new material using the outcome of Balandino Di Donato’s research on gestural control to manipulate lighting states, visual projection and sound FX via loop station and a dedicated [...]
Porto International Conference on Musical Gestures as Creative Interfaces
Just back… well that’s hard to tell where from, because of the French strike which held me first in Porto and then Lisbon. Let’s say I’m back from Portugal. The reason why I flew to Porto is to present my PhD work at the first edition of the Porto International Conference [...]
Exploring Live Sound Spatialisation Using Gestural Control
Hi Myo community, My name is Balandino Di Donato and I'm a PhD student at Integra Lab (BCU), where HCI (Human Computer Interaction), design and audio signal elaboration coexist to create new musical experiences. My work explores ways to map beatboxers' gestures into features to electronically transform beatboxing vocal sounds. [...]
MyoMapper stable release
After a long period spent testing MyoMapper 0.1, here is the stable release. Please DOWNLOAD it and let me know how it goes. Here you can find all info to get started with it. For any issue, please feel free to drop me a message. Thanks to all users who [...]
Exploration of mixed reality using Integra Live and Myo armband.
A few months ago I posted a video (at the end of the page) about one of my experiments, yet I haven’t written anything about it so far. As summer is not always sunny and warm (in the UK), I’m now putting down everything I never wrote about. In an effort to define [...]
Visit at K-Array laboratories
Everything began when I first saw the following video regarding the K-Array KW8 speakers (aka Owl). After I saw such video, I just wrote an e-mail to the K-Array team about my interest to use such technology in combination with gestural devices. They answered positively, and after a [...]
MyoMapper (beta version)
Just back from ICAD15, where students and researchers asked me about the system I've used to hack the Myo armband. When I just started to work with the Myo I've developed Myo2MIDI, which is a Myo connector able to convert Myo data into MIDI values. However this solution wasn't the best one, because [...]
Integra Lab welcomes Balandino Di Donato
Integra Lab welcomes Balandino Di Donato. Balandino will be joining us as a PhD student, working on live sound spatialisation using gestural control. As recent graduate of Conservatorio di musica Alfredo Casella in l'Aquila, Balandino focused for his graduation on Metis, a Tangible User Interface, and various other systems. Balandino will be with the Integra [...]