NIME 2020
21 July 2020 - 25 July 2020
About NIME 2020
Integra Lab successfully hosted NIME 2020, the New Interfaces for Musical Expression International Conference. 398 participants from all regions of the world joined us online for five days of workshops, paper, demo and poster sessions, concerts, and virtual installations.
The conference’s theme – Accessibility of Musical Expression – was curiously timed for a planetary epidemiological lock-down, and offers a timely challenge to developers of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. COVID-19 is an urgent wake-up call for humanity. It is also an acute reminder of our accountability as inhabitants of a planet reeling from human hubris. We are uniquely positioned to promote NIME’s broader societal implications via a richly networked conference ecosystem and reposition our intellectual journeys as a dynamic, creatively evolving, online community.
NIME’s recognised platform offers a rigorously peer-reviewed channel for publishing and discussing pioneering artistic and technical endeavours. Our 2020 edition deployed these energies across formats that creatively combine synchronous and asynchronous materials, and concepts of presence and “real-time”, in virtual and hybrid spaces where time zones productively collide.
NIME 2020 Chairs
General Co-Chairs
Prof. Sally-Jane Norman, Victoria University, New Zealand
Prof. Lamberto Coccioli, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom
Paper Co-Chairs
Franziska Schroeder, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
Romain Michon, Stanford University, United States
Music Co-Chairs
Jian Feng, Wuhan Conservatory of Music, China
Joe Wright, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom
Installation Co-Chairs
Anna Weisling, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, United States of America
Niccolò Granieri, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom
Marije A. Baalman, Amsterdam
Workshop Co-Chairs
Echo Ho, Tangible Music Lab, Linz, Austria
Edmund Hunt, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom
Demo Co-Chairs
Victor Zappi, Northeastern University, Boston, United States
Lia Mice, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom