Graduating from UAL (LCC) with a BA in Sound Art & Design and the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire with an MMus in Music Technology, Evans is currently a Doctoral Researcher at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire exploring pixel data sonification.
Artistic Career
Evans has been signed to German label Saturate! Records, London label Sonic Router Records and New York label Stars and Letters Records, with critical support from the likes of the BBC, The Guardian, Vice, The Wire etc. Evans has worked with both Sense, Options For Life and the Barbican in the facilitation of workshops and research and development for the creation of gestural music devices. In 2018 Matthew became a member of the Black Hole Club, an artist development programme at Vivid Projects Gallery in Birmingham, contributing sonification installations to Black Hole Club Presents (2018 / 2019), Vivid X Lumen – Stellar (2018) and Random String Festival (2018). In 2019 Evans has been working with Sense in the creation of a sonification installation ‘R e f l e c t’, a sonification mirror that allows participants to hear and feel their reflection.